Tanz Festival 2011


Imitation, adjustment to a given structure, becoming invisible, emerging, stepping out of character, those are behavioural patterns that choreographer Stephanie Thiersch and media artist Angela Melitopoulos deal with in their joint production “as if (we would be)“. They monitor communicational and social behaviour within a group – mimesis, the ability to disguise oneself through imitation so as not to become an outcast. They do research in waiting rooms, in departure lounges, public spaces, whether they be in China, Africa or Germany. The comparison of film and choreographical material yields a space of possibilities which even allows for an escape from the behavioural code: The discovery of individuality. Stephanie Thiersch composes irritatingly poetic worlds which dare make risky, innovative scenographical offers. “A play about adaptation, but in reality, a rebellion.“ Nicole Strecker, WDR 3

Stephanie Thiersch studied dance at the CNC Montpellier with Dominique Bagouet, holds a degree in the humanities and completed postgraduate studies in media arts at the Kunsthochschule für Medien in Cologne. With her company MOUVOIR, she has been developing stage plays, films and installations, which are regularly being coproduced by the tanzhaus nrw while touring globally, since 1997. She  was chosen for the Spitzenförderung in NRW.

By and with: Viviana Escalé,
Inés Hernandez, Mu-Yi Kuo, I-Fen Lin, Victor Launay, Nicolas Robillard,
Valenti Rocamora i Tora
Concept: Angela Melitopoulos,
Stephanie Thiersch
Choreography: Stephanie Thiersch
Video: Angela Melitopoulos
Choreographical assistance:
Alexandra Naudet
Sound composition: Vitor Joaquim
Guitar composition: Joseph Suchy
Musical mix: Lyoudmila Milanova
Assistance: Angela Harter
Costumes: Sabine Schneider
Off voice: Anselm Franke
Video adaptation “Sala de la Tele“:
Meggie Schneider
Stage: Stephanie Thiersch,
Angela Melitopoulos, Niko Moddenborg, Angela Anderson
Technical direction, lighting design:
Niko Moddenborg
Management: Felix Wittek
Organization: Ines Disselbrede
PR, marketing: Jessica Otten
Photo: Tom Trambow

Duration: 75 minutes


A production by MOUVOIR in cooperation with the Freihandelszone Ensemblenetzwerk Köln. Coproduced by: TEMPS D’IMAGES 2010, tanzhaus nrw Düsseldorf, ColectivA Cluj (Romania), O Espaço do Tempo, Lissabon, Goethe Institut Dar Es Salaam Tansania with the Visa 2 Dance Festival, in cooperation with the Schauspiel Köln and the CODA Dance Festival Oslo.
Supported by the Ministry for Families, Children, Youths, Culture and Sports of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, the Office of Cultural Affairs of the City of Cologne, the Kunststiftung NRW, the NRW Kultursekretariat Wuppertal.