Fabrik Heeder
May 8, 09 (Premiere)
7.00 pm
12 € / 7 €
H.Horn and Vera Sander
Studiobühne Köln
May 16, 09
8.30 pm
5 €
SCHIMMER (Working Title)
Which movement impulse is triggered by which colour? Does blue always elicit the same music? Can a certain movement bring about a new connotation of red? Colour is subjective. Colour is powerful. Coloured light brings movement, action and communication. It can put the right light on things, denote paths, mislead you, give plasticity to the body or shadow it.
This solo dance emotes and examines connections and contradictions, objects between light, colour, sound and movement. It inquires about subjective coherence and invents motivations. Putting those elements in a new context, Henrietta Horn developed her choreography in close collaboration with light designer Reinhard Hubert.

Henrietta Horn first studied elementary dance at the Deutsche Sporthochschule in Cologne. After graduating at the Folkwang Hochschule, she worked as a freelance choreographer. She co-led the Folkwang Tanzstudio in Essen with Pina Bausch from 1999 until 2008. She was awarded the Künstlerinnenpreis NRW 2008, and has been working as a freelance choreographer again since the 2008/ 2009 season.


Choreography and dance: Henrietta Horn
Costume: Margit Koch
Technical Direction / Lighting design:
Reinhard Hubert
Sound Editing / Sound Engineering:
Thomas Wacker
Production / PR: Claudia Lüttringhaus

Duration: 35 min.

Photo:Ursula Kaufmann

A Henrietta Horn production
Co-produced by:
Flottmannhallen Herne
in cooperation with
Fabrik Heeder Krefeld

Funded by:
Kulturbüro Essen
Kunststiftung NRW

Following the presentation of
Vera Sander's DUB VERSION