Maria Mercedes Flores Mujica & Constanza Javiera Ruiz


For “ON:Joy”, choreographers and performers Maria Mercedes Flores Mujica and Constanza Javiera Ruiz were inspired by how emotions affect the human body. Feelings like ecstasy, euphoria, intoxication and joy change the body and create atmospheres of incredible energy. Bliss, pleasure, liveliness, serenity, abundance, wonder, merriment, relaxation – in “ON:Joy” everything revolves around the manifold manifestations of joy and pleasure that we want to experience over and over again.


Choreography, Performance: Maria Mercedes Flores Mujica, Constanza Javiera Ruiz Campusano
Sound: Thea Soti


Maria Mercedes Flores Mujica & Constanza Javiera Ruiz Campusano

Funded by

Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes NRW

Supported by

  • 05 | 05 - 20:00 h Rollstuhl Gehbehinderung Bonn, Brotfabrik Bühne Tickets
  • 13 | 05 - 20:00 h Rollstuhl Gehbehinderung Essen, PACT Zollverein Tickets
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