SPECIES / Carla Jordão
A Universal Opinion
What happens when we free the body from culturally imposed patterns of movement? When the bodies on stage resist movements perceived as male or female, fashion trends or late-capitalist postural damage caused by office chairs and car rides? They develop a new, all-encompassing language with which they express a universal opinion. The production is the fourth part of choreographer Carla Jordão’s “UNIVERSAL” series which explores the effects of social systems of power on human bodies.
Tanz: Elsa Artmann, Jan Möllmer, Kenji Shinohe
Dramaturgie: Dr. Daniel Rademacher
Musik, Sound Design: Timm Roller
Licht-Design: Dawid Liftinger
Technical support: Roman Sroka
P&Ö: Anthea Petermann
Projekt-Management: Sina Langner
Finanz-Management: mueva Performance - Lena Peters
Dokumentation: Julia Franken
Design: Büro Freiheit
Dramaturgie: Dr. Daniel Rademacher
Musik, Sound Design: Timm Roller
Licht-Design: Dawid Liftinger
Technical support: Roman Sroka
P&Ö: Anthea Petermann
Projekt-Management: Sina Langner
Finanz-Management: mueva Performance - Lena Peters
Dokumentation: Julia Franken
Design: Büro Freiheit
Funded by
Kulturamt Stadt Köln, NRW Landesbüro Freie Darstellende Künste, Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes NRW, RheinEnergiestiftung Kultur
Supported by
TanzFaktur, Maschinenhaus
- Krefeld, Fabrik Heeder Tickets
Participation Format
tanz.match zu A Universal Opinion
06 | 05 - 19:00 h