PACT Zollverein
May 9, 09
9.00 pm
Adv. booking 11 € / red. 6 € Box office 13 € / red. 8 €
"I show what you do see, what you do not necessarily see and what you definitely do not see", says Leandro Kees about his play "Writing on water". He produces videos of dance scenes in collaboration with media artist Pipo Tafel. Those videos enter into a dialogue with the dancers on the stage. The staging plays about with means of perception and the alienation of perspectives to discover new perspectives. Like a cubist painting, scenes show the movemment from many different angles or let us experience past and present, things slowed down and sped up, in synchronicity. Leandro Kees also studied film alongside dance and Pipo Tafel not only studied media arts, but also dance. A rare constellation binding the two artists, leading to this interactive dance play.
Born in Argentina, Leandro Kees studied acting and film before enrolling for his dance education at the Folkwang Hochschule. He choreographs his own plays and works internationally as a dancer. He has been a dancer and choreographer at the Folkwang Tanzstudio since September 2008.
After her last visit in Japan, which has been registering an increasing suicide rate proportional to its prosperity, Chikako Kaido has started dealing with suicide as a topic. The relationship of the individual and the society, of inner feelings in contrast to outer apathy, is a central thought to her and springboard for her new choreography.
Tokio-born Chikako Kaido first completed her classical ballet studies before taking up her education at the Folkwang Hochschule. Still studying, she created her own plays. She has been working as a dancer/ choreographer at the Folkwang Tanzstudio since September 2008.

Choreography: WRITING ON WATER: Leandro Kees THERE IS AN ABYSS: Chikako Kaido
Dance: Marcus Bomski Ines Fischbach Chikako Kaido Leandro Kees Hyun-Jin Kim Kyungwoo Kwon Marcela Ruiz Quintero Kim Sokolowski Tomoko Yamashita Sergey Zhukov Video: Pipo Tafel Costume Design: Margit Koch Lighting Design / Technical Direction: Reinhard Hubert Sound Editing / Sound engineering: Thomas Wacker Production Management / PR: Claudia Lüttringhaus
Duration: 100 Min. (mit Pause)
Photo: Ursula Kaufmann
A production of the Folkwang Tanzstudios
Funded by: Ministerpräsident des Landes NRW Kulturbüro der Stadt Essen Folkwang Hochschule