tanzhaus nrw
May 14, 09 (Premiere)
9.00 pm
12 € / 9.50 €
May 16, 09
8.00 pm
May 17, 09
8.00 pm

Songs and poetry from several centuries, telling of love, hope, loneliness, death and the joys of life, express the timeless nature of these feelings while being captivating through their natural quality as well as through elegance and refinement. Dancer Ornella Balestra, former soloist with Maurice Béjart, "sings" these songs with her body. You listen to her intimate, personal stories arching their way back to European cultural history. "Rosenzeit - Getanzte Lieder (Rose Time - Danced Songs)" moves about between emotional highs and lows, between narrative ballet and contemporary dance avantgarde.
Luca Giacomo Schulte completed his studies of the free arts at the Kunstakademie Münster. During his studies, an ongoing collaboration with dancer and choreographer Raimund Hoghe took shape. As a choreographer, he especially focuses on the bond between dance and visual arts, standing equitably side by side in his works.
Direction / Conception: Luca Giacomo Schulte Dance: Ornella Balestra
Duration: 60 min.
Photo: Rosa Frank
A Luca Giacomo Schulte production Co-produced by: tanzhaus nrw düsseldorf Centre Choréographique National de Franche-Comté à Belfort dans le cadre l´accueil/studio Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication / DRAC Franche-Comté Theater im Pumpenhaus Münster
Funded by: Kulturamt der Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf Stiftung van Meeteren Supported by: A.C.T.I. Theatro Indipendenti Torino
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