tanzhaus nrw
May 7, 09
9.30 pm
12 € / 9.50 €
tanzhaus nrw
May 08, 09
4.00 pm
12 € / 9.50 €

Cologne choreographer Silke Z. explores private spaces in her interdisciplinarian dance performance, encompassing live performance, video installations, documentary approaches and movie fiction. She strives to find a direct encounter with any member of the audience in a spatial installation transcending the constitution of classic stage situations. Private spaces and intimate events occur before the eyes of a public audience, a retreat impossible to perform. A dynamic and emotional game binds two dancers in a game of nearness and distance, control and loss of control.
A sublime disrobement, beautiful, fascinating and, at the same time, a refined staged reflex to a perverted public addiction. A quite poisonous barb in what is, nevertheless, a great aesthetic pleasure." Nicole Strecker, Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger After having studied at the Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln, Silke Z. closed her formal education at the European Dance Development Center in Arnheim/Düsseldorf. Silke Z. is co-founder of resistdance., Studio 11, a production and working space for independent dance in Cologne, and of the supra-regional performance network die.idee//bewegt sich//artist network. "private spaces (the p.s. project)" was awarded the Kölner Tanztheaterpreis 2008.
Choreography / Concept: Silke Z. Concept Film / Direction: André Zimmermann Dramaturgy: Silke Z. , André Zimmermann Dance / Performance: Caroline Simon Antonio Cabrita Technical Direction: Ansgar Kluge Videodesign: Jan Hanten Sound Design: Chris Azadi Counselor: Rudi Kamminga Production Assistance: Irena Vujicic Management / PR: Mechtild Tellmann
Duration: 60 min.
Photo: Jan Hanten
A silke.z.:resistdance. production Co-produced by: tanzhaus nrw Düsseldorf Kanuti Gildi Saal Tallinn Dancecity Newcastle
Funded by: Kulturamt Köln Kunststiftung NRW Ministerpräsident des Landes NRW SK Stiftung Kultur