Studiobühne Köln
May 15, 09
8.00 pm
5 €

In Hebrew culture, the Piyutim (roughly translating as sung verse) stand for the joining of prayer with music. Within this ritual, texts of the Old Testament are recited musically and illustrated through graphical means. The chant not only gave voice to the belief, it also sought to express mundane feelings, resulting in an emotional and intuitive music based on talent and inspiration. Avi Kaiser and Sergio Antonino base their choreographical score on the music of Israeli composer and rock star Rami Fortis. His contemporary adaptation of ancient compositions coupled with the embodiment and interpretation of the visual elements of the Piyut through the actors form the whole of the performance.
Avi Kaiser is of Israel origin and has been living and working as a freelance dancer and choreographer in Germany for many years. Sergio Antonino, a native Italian, also chose Germany as his adopted country. Ever since his graduation in dance at the Scuola d‘Arte Drammatica Paolo Grassi in Milan, he has been working as a choreographer. Together, they founded the dance atelier The Roof in Duisburg. They are also artists in residence of the city of Duisburg and of the Stiftung Wilhelm Lehmbruck Museum, also in Duisburg.

Choreography: Avi Kaiser Sergio Antonino Dance: Sergio Antonino Alessio Attanasio Arianna Belloli Eleonora Bonvini Avi Kaiser Francesco Pacelli Music: Orginal music by Rami Fortis Gil Smetana Yuval Shafir Ido Agmon Light: Jost Jacobfeuerborn Costumes: Andrea Stanisci
Duration: 60 min.
Photo: Dagmar Grasshoff
A "The Roof"-TanzRaum Duisburg production Co-produced by: RED 2008- Reggio Emilia Danza Festival Italien Theaterlabor am Tor 6, Bielefeld
Funded by: Ministerpräsident des Landes NRW Stadt Duisburg Duisburger Akzente Goethe Institut Mailand Istituto Italiano di Cultura Köln