Comfort Zone

Silke Z.

Comfort Zone

Fri 30 | 04
21.00 h


Zum Stream

Following the performance of Comfort Zone at 9 pm on 30 | 04 all audience members are invited to join Physical Traces via Zoom. Please register here: or use the link on your ticket.

What happens when we consciously decide to break away from the security of our habits, our comfort zone? Performers John Kendall and Dennis Alexander Schmitz dare to attempt just that: they make a pact based on the mutual promise to deny each other any possible comfort. The result is a gripping encounter from man to man with mounting speed and dynamics. The audience get sucked into this vortex of confrontation – and thus lured out of their own comfort zone.

Website | Trailer |

Konzept / Künstlerische Leitung: Silke Z. // in Zusammenarbeit mit / Tänzer: John Kendall, Dennis Alexander Schmitz // Sound Design: André Zimmermann Lichtdesign: Garlef Keßler // Kostüme: Dennis Alexander Schmitz // Administration / Management: Olivia Bott // PR: Vinya Cameron // Fotografie: Meyer Originals


Silke Z.


Kölner Künstler Theater

Gefördert durch

Kulturamt der Stadt Köln, Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes NRW

Unterstützt durch

ehrenfeldstudios e.V.