ATLAS 3 - Blu Blu Blu

Emanuele Soavi incompany

ATLAS 3 - Blu Blu Blu

Fri 30 | 04
20.00 h


Zum Stream

A "Physical Introduction" via Zoom will take place at 7.00 pm. You will receive the Zoom link via registration at or on your admission ticket to the performance.

The third part of Emanuele Soavi’s ATLAS trilogy marks an encounter between performers from the disciplines of dance, music and Asian martial arts. They mirror, duel and join forces with one another. They mutually confront each other with their (physical) limits – their own finiteness. How does our concept of the individual take shape over time – an individual who, without a counterpart, wouldn’t even exist? How do we define and distinguish ourselves from others? Where do I end, where do you begin? Should we retreat or might this be our saving grace? The performers produce a kaleidoscope of sound patterns and physical imagery as they struggle for meaning and attempt to leave their mark by making a lasting impression.

Website | Trailer | Facebook | Instagram |

Choreografie / Idee: Emanuele Soavi // Komposition / Live-Musik: Nadja Zwiener (Baroque violin), Johannes Malfatti (Elektronic) // Equipment: Heike Engelbert // Video: Meritxell Aumedes Molinero // Tanz / Performance: Federico Casadei, Lisa Kirsch // Judoka: Tobias Mathieu, Aaron Schneider


Emanuele Soavi incompany



Gefördert durch

Kulturamt der Stadt Köln, Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft NRW, Kunststiftung NRW, Stadt Leipzig Kulturamt

Unterstützt durch

Residenzprogramm ALDES/SPAM! – Netzwerk für zeitgenössische Kunst Lucca (I)