Bodies and Structure

Alexandra Waierstall

Bodies and Structure Premiere

Thu 09 | 05
20.00 h

tanzhaus nrw

Fri 10 | 05
20.00 h

tanzhaus nrw

Sat 11 | 05
20.00 h

tanzhaus nrw

The new production by Alexandra Waierstall focuses on the sculpture "Arena" by Rita McBride, created in 1997. Following a series of nine interventions with the monumental yet functional structure at Kunsthalle Mannheim in 2018, choreographer Alexandra Waierstall and her team have now succeeded in bringing “Arena” to the stage of tanzhaus nrw. There, it evolves into an organism of bodies and structure – relentless and resilient, fragile and fleeting. Moments of connection and communication between identities, bodies, structures and space emerge and then dissipate. Some become visible, others remain obscure.

Alexandra Waierstall, born in England, raised in Cyprus and living in Düsseldorf since 2004, is choreographer and artist. Her works, which have been shown internationally, are conceptually and physically influenced and express themselves in choreographies, installations, situations, sounds, texts, films and images.

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CHOREOGRAFIE / KONZEPT: Alexandra Waierstall / KÜNSTLERISCHE ZUSAMMENARBEIT: Rita McBride / KOMPOSITION: Stavros Gasparatos / LICHTDESIGN: Caty Olive / CHOREOGRAFISCHE ASSISTENZ / PERFORMANCE: Harry Koushos / PERFORMANCE / MITARBEIT: Damien Fournier, Scott Jennings, Georgios Kotsifakis, Bandi Meszerics, Ioanna Paraskevopoulou, Eftychia Stefanou, Karolina Szymura, Emmi Väisänen, Ying Yun Chen / KOSTÜM / BÜHNENBILD: Alexandra Waierstall, Horst Weierstall / TECHNISCHE LEITUNG: Ansgar Kluge / MANAGEMENT: Judith Jaeger


Alexandra Waierstall


tanzhaus nrw

Gefördert durch

Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, Kulturamt der Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf, Fonds Darstellende Künste, Kunststiftung NRW

Unterstützt durch

Kunsthalle Mannheim