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Renegade Theatre (D)

Hip-hop dance theater for everyone aged 12 and up 

SAT 12 MAY 8:00 p.m.
tanzhaus nrw, big stage

Admission: 11/8,50 ?

Š Wiebke Rompel

With Cage, the young company lead by the Essen-based director Markus Michalowski and the French choreographer Lorca Renoux take on the dramatic literary classic "The Bacchae". Perhaps the darkest drama from antiquity, it tells the story of Dionysus, the god of wine, intoxication and fertility. He returns to his city of birth to take revenge on its inhabitants, who disregard his divineness. Accompanied by music created by the British composer Davey Ray Moor, Renegade Theatre produces a dionysian world using an unorthodox mixture of b-boying, theater, acrobatics, sound and video projection.

Direction: Markus Michalowski; Choreography: Lorca Renoux; Assistance: Nathalie Mauri?s-Belou; Composition: Davey Ray Moor; Lighting Design: Roger Irman; Video Design: Till Botterweck, Benoit Favi?re; Dance: Figo (Tobias Wegner), Salar-jin (Salar Kheradpejouh), Lorca Renoux, Frederik Rohn, Rubberlegz (Rauf Vasit); Dancer Projection: Malou Airaudo; Stage Design: Markus Michalowski, Roger Irman; Aerial Consultant: Clare Anderson; Stage Construction: Klaus Schäfer, Bernd Nolte; Costumes: Anne Bentgens; Production: Zekai Fenerci; Organization: Alexandra Morales

A Renegade Theatre production. Co-produced by tanzhaus nrw within the framework of Take-off: Junger Tanz. (Young Dance) Tanzplan Düsseldorf, South Bank Centre London, Theater im Pfalzbau Ludwigshafen. Funding provided by Kunststiftung NRW and regional cultural funding for NRW. "Take-off: Junger Tanz. (Young Dance) Tanzplan Düsseldorf" receives funding from Tanzplan Deutschland, an initiative of the German Federal Cultural Foundation, as well as from the Federal State Capital of Düsseldorf, the Minister President of North Rhine-Westphalia and Kunststiftung NRW.

tanzhaus- day ticket
for 12. Mai   20?